Cases of ovarian cyst are generally treated with the conventional medicines which tend to give relief in the intensity of the symptoms and so that patient feels relief in the pain only till the medicines are continued. And patient again develops symptoms once medication is withdrawn.
But, in homoeopathy, case of ovarian cyst is treated with holistic approach that aims upon the individualistic and characteristic symptoms of the patient with ovarian cyst and this is the reason why an appropriate homoeopathic treatment can lead to permanent and long lasting cure.
Homoeopath with his sound senses and ability of witnessing the individuality in each and every case can impeccably treat the cases of ovarian cyst.
- I was diagnosed with ovarian cyst and because of that I had a lot of problems with my periods and I was not feeling stable emotionally I needed permanent solution of my problems. I then consulted dr mankad who took the case very precisely and administered certain medicines to me and after that I started improving gradually and especially after 1 month and 25 days, my menstrual complaints got much relieved and after 3 to 4 months, my periods became very much regular and I was advised to undergo USG investigation and there was no any cyst found in the USG reports. And my emotional health also got improved to a great extent.
Thanks dr mankad for treating my case of ovarian cyst wonderfully.
Ms upadhyay, 23 years
- ઓવરીમાં શિસ્ટ છે એવી જાણ થતાં જ મેં હોમીઓપેથી સારવાર લેવાનું નક્કી કર્યું કારણ મારા મધરને જયારે વર્ષો પહેલા આવી જ શિસ્ટ થયેલી ત્યારે એમને હોમીઓપથી થીજ મટેલું. મેં ગુગલ પર સર્ચ કરતાં ડો. માંકડને ત્યાં ટ્રીટમેન્ટ લેવાનું નક્કી કર્યું. ફરી હોમીઓપથીએ એ જ કરી બતાવ્યું અને મારી શિસ્ટનો રીપોર્ટ ત્રણ મહિના બાદ બિલકુલ નોર્મલ આવ્યો. સાથે સાથે મારી થાયરોઈડ ની દવા પણ એમની પાસે મેં શરુ કરેલી. હાલ મારી થાયરોઈડ ની દવાઓ પણ બંધ છે. ડો. માંકડ ના હોમિઓઅથિક કલીનીક માં કોઈપણ પ્રકારના રોગ ની સારવાર કરાવવા નું હું જરૂર રેકેમાંડ કરીશ.
ઉન્નતી પટેલ
વિસનગર ; ગુજરાત
Introduction of ovarian cyst:
Cases of Ovarian cysts are frequently encountered in daily medical practice. But, homeopathic medicines have huge scope for the right treatment of ovarian cyst and an appropriate homeopathic approach during case taking definitely leads to a thorough and permanent cure without any harm and side effects.
A cyst is a closed sac like structure filled which takes place within a thin membrane inside the ovary. It is also called as cystic ovarian mass. Size of it can vary from a small sized pea to a large orange. Most of the cysts are small and harmless. They mostly occur during the reproductive years, but can appear at any age. Most of the cysts disappear without treatment within a few months.
There are often no signs and significant symptoms. But, ovarian cysts can sometimes cause pain and bleeding. A large ovarian cyst can cause discomfort and various symptoms that call for medical advice for the actual plan of the treatment. If the size of the cyst is more than 5 cm, it needs medical intervention.
Homoeopathic medicines can brilliantly treat the cases of ovarian cyst. The medicines are administered to the patient after a complete and thorough case taking.
Types of cyst:
Most ovarian cysts develop as a result of the menstrual cycle. Ovaries normally grow cyst like structures called follicles each month. These follicles produce the hormones progesterone and estrogen and they release the eggs while ovulation. If a normal and monthly follicle keeps growing, its known as functional cyst. There are 2 types of this functional cyst.
- Follicular cyst: during the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg bursts out of the follicle and travels down to the fallopian tube. Follicular cyst begins only when the follicle doesn’t rupture and release the egg and moreover it continues to grow and proliferate.
- Corpus luteum cyst: when a follicle releases an egg, it begins producing estrogen and progesterone for the conception. This follicle at present state is called as corpus luteum.
Sometimes, fluid starts accumulating within the follicle, causing the corpus luteum to grow into a cyst like structure.
These functional cysts are mostly harmless and cause pain in rare cases. And they usually disappear on their own within 2 to 3 menstrual cycles.
Other types of cyst:
- Dermoid cyst: these cysts are also called as teratomas. They contain tissue such as skin and hair, because thet form from the embryonic cells.
- Cystadenomas: they develop on the surface of the ovary and may get filled with a watery or mucous materials.
- Endometriomas: it happens only when uterine endometrial cells grow outside the uterus. Some of the tissues may attach to the ovary and form a growth.
Risk factors:
- Hormonal problems
- Endometriosis
- A severe pelvic infection
- Previous history of ovarian cyst
- Genetic predisposition
Symptoms can appear as the cyst grows.
Symptoms include:
- Irregular and painful menstruation
- Pelvic pain before and during the menstrual cycle
- Abdominal bloating
- Painful bowel movements
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tenderness in breast
- Pain in lower back and thighs
- Dyspareunia: pelvic pain during sexual intercourse.
Female may experience Some symptoms that require immediate medical attention include:
- Pain with fever or vomiting
- Rapid breathing
- Dizziness
- Severe abdominal pain
- Sharp pain in pelvis
Various imaging studies are used to diagnose the ovarian cysts.
Conventional mode of treatment usually prescribe oral contraceptives or birth control pills in most of the cases of ovarian cyst. But, these pills cause many complications. Which may endanger the health.
There are multiple homeopathic remedies which embody a great medicinal and therapeutic efficacy to successfully dissolve the cases of the ovarian cyst. E.g. sepia, calc carb, pulsatilla, lycopodium, Sabina, apis mel, etc.
But, only a well selected remedy is administered to the patient after a detailed case study that is based upon the individualistic and holistic approach.