Tag: health

Hypochondriasis and homeopathy

      Hypochondriasis is greatly treated with help of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines treat the root cause and offer holistic solutions without causing side effects. Homeopathy has got finest and brilliant solutions to offer to the case concerned. Homeopathy has got artistic approach linked with scientific ground and cumulatively it understands the psyche of […]
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MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM Introduction It is a skin infection which caused by molluscum contagiosum. Which produces raised bumps (benign in nature) over the outer layers of skin. Homeopathic medicines can play an efficient and potential role in treating the case of molluscum contagiosum without causing any sort of side effects. Cause These small bumps are usually […]
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Separation anxiety disorder and homeopathy

    Separation anxiety disorder  Separation anxiety disorder is a mental health problem. A child with this disorder may have troubles about being away from family members or other close person. Homeopathy is considered to be the most harmless and safest healing method of medicine in treating the pediatric health issues. Causes There are biological […]
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Bed sores, also called as decubitus ulcers generally heal with the treatment. Homeopathic treatment is said to be extremely effective and excellent. It provides harmless solutions which causes no side effects. Bed sores It is also called as pressure ulcers/pressure sores. They’re injuries to the skin and underlying tissues, resulting from prolonged pressure on the […]
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Dengue fever and Homeopathy

DENGUE FEVER Introduction It is also known as break bone fever. It occurs when an Aedes mosquito carrying the virus bites a healthy person. This disease mainly takes place in tropical and subtropical regions. Causes Caused by DENV-1,2,3 & 4 Incubation period The period from the entry of virus through mosquito bite to the development […]
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Urine incontinence and homeopathy

    URINE INCONTINENCE The loss of bladder control is a common and embarrassing issue. Which is termed as urine incontinence. Homeopathy can greatly deal with the case of urine incontinence without causing any harm to the health of an individual who is struggling with this issue. Homeopathic medicines are completely safe and provide sustainable […]
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Hashimoto’s disease (underactive thyroid) and homeopathy

Hashimoto’s disease This condition is also known as hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, or autoimmune thyroiditis. Which is considered to be one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism. Homeopathic medicines work excellently in treating the cases of hashimoto’s disease without causing any harm/ side effects to the health on an individual who is diagnosed […]
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