A Message on World Health Day

In today’s time main concern is given to ‘Holistic Health’.

It emphasizes the connection of mind, body and spirit – the wholesome state of a person. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment.

The state of health can not only be achieved by modern medicine or by homeopathy or by Ayurveda or by any alternative sciences although having full potential. Being healthy is an approach to life. A holistic approach to health and healing goes beyond just eliminating symptoms.

In this situation get yourselves prepared to help ensure a safe, healthy summer, make sure you know how to prevent, recognize and treat heat-related illness.

It also comprises:

  • The qualitative perspective towards life
  • Healthy thinking
  • Healthy coping up of any situation
  • Positive attitude
  • Healthy life style
  • Healthy emotions and balanced state of mind

Holistic health supports creating higher levels of wellness along with preventing illness.

One can create healthy society by achieving a state of holistic health

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