Homeopathic Medicines for Breast Pain Before Periods

Breast Pain Before Periods & Its Effective Homeopathic Medicines

Several symptoms, like mood swings, bloating, headache, fatigue, etc show up in a woman before her periods and breast pain can be one among them. Breast pain before the period is also known as premenstrual breast pain or cyclic mastalgia. Along with pain, there may occur heaviness, swelling, and tenderness (pain on touch) in the breasts. Non–cancerous lumps before periods may be felt in the breast that move when touched and shrink when periods get over. The intensity of pain varies from mild to severe though severe pain is rare. Pain occurs in both breasts. It is felt in the upper and the outer area of the breast. The pain may radiate to the armpits. The pain may begin a week or two before the period and goes away when menstrual bleeding starts, during menses, or immediately after completion of the menstrual bleeding. It affects females between the 20- 40 age group.

Breast pain before periods could be a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) in many cases. PMS refers to a set of symptoms that a woman experiences before the onset of menses like anxiety, restlessness, mood changes, sadness, irritability, weeping spells, appetite changes, emotional outbursts, low appetite, sleep issues, decreased sexual drive, weakness, body aches, bloating, pimples, headache, diarrhea, constipation, light / sound sensitivity, back pain, and muscle pain.

Homeopathic Management

While pain in breasts before periods occurring from natural hormonal changes tends to subside on its own, sometimes medicine is required to ease the discomfort and reduce the level of pain. Here homeopathic medicines can be of great help to manage this pain. Along with pain, these medicines also manage any associated swelling, heaviness feeling, and tenderness (pain on touch) felt in the breasts. The homeopathic medicines act most naturally to relieve breast pain with zero side effects. These medicines are recommended only for managing cyclic breast pain before menses arising from normal hormonal changes. One must consult a doctor for proper diagnosis in case of any sudden change like breast pain before menses, nipple discharge, appearance of some lump in the breast especially on one side not present earlier.

What Causes Breast Pain Before Periods?

Breast pain before menses is usually related to hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle. The hormones estrogen and progesterone cause breast changes, resulting in its growth before menses. Estrogen leads to enlargement of breast ducts (the ducts that carry milk to the nipples) and progesterone results in swelling of the milk glands. As a result of these changes, the breasts may start feeling heavy along with pain and tenderness. The pain occurs and goes away cyclically every month due to the rise and fall of these hormones. Such pain is usually nothing of worry and it goes away once menstrual bleeding begins. In case, there are some sudden changes in the type of breast pain before menses as compared to the earlier pattern or there is nipple discharge or some unusual lump in the breast especially only in one breast that was not present earlier and does not go away after periods are over, then it might be something other than pain related to normal hormonal changes. Here, one should consult a doctor for the diagnosis. Besides normal hormonal changes, taking birth control pills may also cause breast pain before periods as these medicines contain hormones, like estrogen and progesterone that can start swelling and soreness of the breast tissue. Eating high-fat diet and long-term stress are known to contribute to making cyclic breast pain worse.

Homeopathic Medicines For Breast Pain Before Periods

1. Conium – Top Remedy
Conium is the top medicine to manage breast pain before periods. It is the most frequently used homeopathic medicine to manage such a complaint. Soreness and swelling of breasts can also be present along with pain. The pain may get worse while walking.  Stitching pain may occur at night or while taking a deep breath. Crying spells and anxiety before menses are other symptoms. Restlessness and general body aches may also be felt along with the above symptoms.

2. Calcarea Carb
Calcarea Carb is the next well-indicated medicine for managing breast pain before periods. It is useful when breasts are swollen along with pain before periods. Along with swelling, a heated sensation is felt in the breasts. Pain may be felt in the armpits. Females needing it may also have headaches and pain in the back and hips before their periods.

3. Lac Caninum
This medicine is effective when the breasts are painful and very sensitive to touch before periods. Breasts are sensitive to least touch and pressure. The breasts feel enlarged along with fullness. A dull aching pain is marked in the evening. The slightest jar (sudden jerk) also makes the pain worse. There is relief in pain when menses appear.

4. Phytolacca
Phytolacca is a prominent natural medicine for managing various kinds of breast-related complaints. This medicine is well-indicated for painful breasts which also become hard. The breasts also feel heavy and swollen. The beasts are tender to touch. Pain is felt before and during menses.

5. Sepia
Sepia is a great remedy to manage numerous female concerns arising from hormonal changes. Breast pain preceding menses is one among these. It is suitable for cases where breasts are swollen, painful, and sensitive before the appearance of menses. The breasts feel enlarged and painful to touch. A stitching type of pain may be felt in the breasts. Besides this, Sepia is a foremost medicine to manage many complaints that occur before menses like sadness, weeping spells, irritability, constipation and headache.

6. Bryonia Alba
Bryonia is a useful medicine when breasts feel very heavy along with pain. There may be heated sensation in the breasts. Breasts may feel hard. It is also helpful for tearing type of pain in the breasts.

7. Merc Sol
This medicine is used when there is pain, swelling and stiffness in breasts before and during period. The breasts are sore to touch.

8. Magnesia Carb
The last medicine in the list to manage breast pain before periods is Magnesia Carb. Females needing it may also complain of several other health issues before menses, besides breast pain. They may complain of backache and abdomen pain. Some may have sore throat every time before menses. Some complain of weakness. Lastly, a chill may be felt in the body.


Dr. Greeva Mankad
Homeopathy Consultant,





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