The most common symptoms are fatigue, bloating and tenderness and appetite changes with food cravings. The duration of PMS varies among women.
For certain women, PMS may be similar to those of the early symptoms of pregnancy because tenderness in breast, bloating, fatigue and mood swings. But, that can be assured with the arrival of the menstrual period or a pregnancy test.
Homoeopathic medicines can play a wonderful and efficient role in handling and treating the case of PMS. The medicines are administered after a complete case taking and case understanding.
The exact cause behind PMS is unknown. But, it is believed to be related with interactions between the sex hormones and brain chemicals.
Smoking and consumption of alcohol, obesity and stress are the risk factors for PMS.
Get Your Pre Menstrual Treated Now!Homoeopathy offers an effective treatment for PMS without any kind of side effects. Sepia, ignatia, nat mur, calc carb, lachesis, conium, pulsatilla, bryonia..are well indicated homoeopathic remedies for the treatment of PMS. But, an appropriate homoeopathic remedy should be administered to the patient after a thorough case taking, on the basis of characteristic individualistic symptoms and constitution.
Girls tend to suffer a lot from PMS. Basically hormonal function plays a greater role in its development. Homeopathic treatment helps greatly in cases of PMS. Homeopathic medicines balance the hormonal system naturally. They treat the person from the roots.